5 ways to Adopt for a Clean and Green City
Due to the tendency of people to move to cities, environmental changes are strongly felt in cities and with all this, the responsibility of fighting falls on the Municipal Administration. Municipal administrations can make cities more clean and green by implementing some eco-friendly ways to implement around the city
1. Zero Waste Campus:
City administration can easily construct its own Zero Waste Campus. Zero waste means the efficient use of energy sources and the processing of generated waste. When zero waste campus is implemented for a municipal building, citizens should be made aware of it and should be encouraged to do the same for their homes.
2. Increasing the green cover in the city:
It is easily possible to carry out a seed ball planting campaign in the city’s range and/or pasture area. If there is no forest/pasture area then on a reserved plot a Miyawaki-style forest can be created. Time and determination to increase the green cover for your city’s benefit are important here.
3. Plastic Waste Management:
The city administration plays a complementary role to the environment by enforcing the plastic ban but going beyond that it is also necessary to dispose of the plastic waste generated in the city. Many cities should encourage for the companies in their proximity to fulfill their EPR Compliances using the plastic waste generated in their own cities helping both — the city and the industry.
4. Waste Processing:
Processing infrastructure has been created under the Swachh Bharat Mission, albeit to a lesser extent in Municipal Councils. But due to lack of funds effective processing is difficult. Therefore, the new DPR for waste processing is included in the solid waste budget as an incremental expenditure. If this is done, the environmental damage can be avoided by industrial processing waste.
5. Smart Energy Policies:
Renewable energy sources help in generating electricity and do not release harmful gases to the environment. Solar panels installed on the roof, energy generated through wind and water, and energy through biodegradables help in keeping the environment eco-friendly and benefit its people.
Simple steps to make your city clean and green. From stopping the creation of waste to recycling the created waste for better use, as a city, we can adopt better ways to bring a circular economy in the linear waste management systems.
Social Lab is a waste management company that deals with Solid waste management and Plastic waste management. We are committed to creating people-centric data-driven waste management solutions. We believe in a circular economy and hence our work is focused on transforming existing linear waste management into a circular waste management system. We Provide End-to-End service for Extended Producer Responsibility and Solid Waste Management Consulting.
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