Comprehensive Action plan for plastic waste management
Swachh Survekshan-2023 toolkit prescribes the ULBs to prepare a comprehensive action plan for plastic waste Management (with a share of 3.31% under SLP).
The comprehensive action plan for plastic waste Management should include the following 5 components.
Plastic waste assessment by sources:
- What is the percentage of plastic in waste stream?
- What is the composition of different types of plastics?
- How much plastic is handled by informal sector?
Implementation of SUP ban
- What is the quantity seized and fine collected?
- What alternatives to plastics are/will be made available?
- What is future strategy for the SUP ban implementation?
Awareness generation
- What IEC activities are planned/conducted?
- How social media is used for promotion?
- How many Clean -up drives conducted/planned?
Formalization of waste pickers and scrap dealers
- Have you mapped scrapdealers and wastepickers in city?
- What social benefit schemes you will provide to them?
Setting up a plastic waste management (PWM) facility
- How do you track plastic waste generated?
- How do you plan to process the plastic waste?
- Have you tied upwith recycler or waste management agency?
- Are you working with companies under EPR?
If you have any queries or suggestions, please contact Shri Kunal Thakur (+91–9960479785) or email us at
Social Lab Environmental Solutions is a waste management consultancy company providing end-to-end consultancy services to the ULBs on solid waste management and plastic waste management. Our core expertise includes capacity building, waste assessment, IEC campaign design & implementation, scheme compliance documentation, GPS collection route designing, and monitoring, and providing technical advisory and market linkages for efficient wet and dry waste management.
To know more about us and the sector updates, please visit our website ( and follow us on social media (