Energy Efficient Homes

Social Lab
3 min readDec 14, 2022


14th December — Energy Efficiency Day

Living Sustainably and especially making our homes energy efficient is a necessity for the coming future and now. Energy-efficient homes conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and demand for non-renewable resources.

So what do we do to make an easy transition to energy-efficient homes? Here are some easy switches for you to make for making your home energy efficient!

  1. Switch to LEDs

Incandescent bulbs and CFLs are now long gone as LEDs have now come into market emitting light with less electricity consumption. As simple as this switch is it definitely helps in reducing heat emissions and it costs less to buy and maintain LEDs than CFLs or incandescents.

2) Look for Energy Efficient Appliances

Whenever shopping for new appliances, look for the green star mark i.e. Energy star or HE Logo to help identify green appliances. Energy-star certified appliances use less energy, and while they may cost you a bit more in the beginning, it is much more of an investment for you.

3) Use Solar Panels

Instead of using high power consuming water heaters install solar panels to use natural heat for hesting up water. This results in usage of renewable energy source and no consumption of electricity making just a simple task as bathing, energy efficient!

4) Switch off Gadgets when not in use

An idle printer, desktop computer, microwave ovens and coffee makers equipped with LED clocks running all night when not in use consume power. Switch them off when you don’t need them immediately. Even try to switch off your refrigerator when you are planning to go away from home for a long time. Unplug the chargers after charging your smartphones, laptops, other devices. These small savings will eventually turn to big savings once you calculate the amount of energy saved by the end of year.

Adopting an energy-efficient lifestyle will not only save you money on your electric and/or gas bills, but it also will help the environment by releasing fewer greenhouse gases and creating less of a demand for non-renewable energy resources.

Social Lab is a waste management company that deals with Solid waste management and Plastic waste management. We are committed to creating people-centric data-driven waste management solutions. We believe in a circular economy and hence our work is focused on transforming existing linear waste management into a circular waste management system. We Provide End-to-End service for Extended Producer Responsibility and Solid Waste Management Consulting.

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Social Lab
Social Lab

Written by Social Lab

We are a waste management company, which helps brands take-back and scientifically dispose of post-consumer plastic waste of their products.

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