Is E-waste EPR Applicable to You?
This is the most crucial part of the EWM Rules. The compliance begins with this part. The applicability can be seen from the following two points of views:
The Obligated entities
1. Producer:
Means basically a company which introduces products under its own brand and can have following four sub types
a. A company which manufactures and sells electronic equipment under its own brand.
b. Sells electronic items under its own brand by procuring from others
c. Imports and sell electronic equipments
d. Imports electronic equipments
2. Electronic Equipment:
The E waste Management Rules has defined Shedule of Items which need registration. There are a total of 106 item categorized into 7 different types as follows:
a. Information Technology and Electronic Equipment : Includes 27 items like computers, printers, modems, telephones etc.
b. Consumer Electrical, Electronics and Photovoltaic panels: Includes 19 items like TV, washing machine, fridge, AC, digital camera, solar panels etc
c. Large and small electrical and electronic equipment: Includes 34 itens like electric kettle, shavers, microwave, vacuum cleaners etc
d. Electrical and Electronic tools: Includes 8 items like saws, tools for welding, etc and other hardware tools
e. Toys, Leisure, and Sports equipment: Includes 6 items like video games, consoles, joysticks, etc
f. Medical Devices: Includes 10 items like MRI scan, cardiology, dialysis equipments etc
g. Laboratory Instruments: Includes gas analysers, and other electrical and electronic equipments used in labs
Contributed By: Shailesh Shinde & Manasi Ranrui at Social Lab Environmental Solutions Private Limited
Social Lab is a waste management company that deals with Solid waste management and Plastic waste management. We are committed to creating people-centric data-driven waste management solutions. We believe in a circular economy and hence our work is focused on transforming existing linear waste management into a circular waste management system. We Provide End-to-End service for Extended Producer Responsibility and Solid Waste Management Consulting.
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