Key Insights from the ODF-2023 toolkit for improving ODF rating and sanitation performance
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MOHUA) launched the ‘ODF 2023’ toolkit on 24th June 2023 which aims to promote sustainable sanitation in the city. Notably, there have been key changes in the toolkit compared to ODF-2022 regarding each of the ratings, namely ODF, ODF+, ODF++, and Water+. Therefore, it is important to understand these changes and the requirements of ODF-2023.
Below is an overview of the scoring requirements for the different ODF ratings in 2023.

Key Changes in ODF 2023 (as compared to ODF 2022)
The key changes for each of these ratings are provided below.
ODF rating
a) Type of locations to be covered for assessment: increased from 5 to 8 with the new locations being ‘Roads & streets’, ‘Commercial Area’ and ‘Water bodies’
b) Number of locations to be covered: increased based on population size
- >10 lakh population: 56 locations
- 1–10 lakh population: 36 locations
- <1 lakh population: 16 locations
ODF+ rating
a) Number of components reduced to 2 (i.e., Mandatory and Desirable) from 4 (Mandatory, Essential, Desirable & Aspirational)
b)New components added: O&M model and women and disabled-friendly toilets
ODF++ rating
a)Mandatory inspection of septic tank and soak-pit (bi-annually)
b)Mechanized cleaning of septic tanks and sewerage systems/ machine hole
c)Connection of all toilets to onsite containment systems/septic tank and effluent
d)Mandatory helpline number-14420/ other feedback mechanism for complaint resolution
e)Setting up a functional Sanitation Response Unit (SRU) along with Responsible Sanitation Authority (RSA) (notified by state) by each district/ corporation
Water+ rating
a) Reduction in the qualifying criteria of the sewer network
- Reduction in the percentage of households connected to sewer network: Min. 25% HHs (from min. 50% HHS).
- Exemption of sewer network condition: for towns < 20,000 population
b) Management of discharge of sewage from the households: through a septic tank system including soak pits or through diversion to an STP
To understand the complete requirements under each of the ODF ratings, please go through our detailed checklist at the link
In case you have any queries, suggestions, or need any support, please contact Shri Kunal Thakur (+91–9960479785) or send us an email at
Social Lab Environmental Solutions is a waste management consultancy company providing end-to-end consultancy services to the ULBs on solid waste management and plastic waste management. Our core expertise includes capacity building, waste assessment, IEC campaign design & implementation, scheme compliance documentation, GPS collection route designing, and monitoring, and providing technical advisory and market linkages for efficient wet and dry waste management.
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