Role of C&D waste management in improving the SWM system and the SS performance
Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste refers to the waste resulting from the construction, remodeling, repair, or demolition of any civil structure, including building materials, debris, and rubble. With the tremendous growth of the construction sector, the quantum of the C&D Waste is staggeringly increasing in the cities which demands scientific management of C&D waste. However, the current C&D waste management system in most of the ULBs faces critical gaps such as lack of C&D waste collection system, lack of on-site segregation and low rates of reuse and recycling.
Composition of C&D Waste
The C&D waste typically consists of 5 components namely Soil & Gravel (36%), Brick & Masonary (31%), Concrete (23%), Metals (5%) and Bitumen (2%).
Why is C&D waste management important?
· To improve the city environment
The C&D waste leads to air pollution from the dust particles, water pollution from the dumping of the waste in the water bodies and take up considerable space in landfill that can be utilized for other purposes. Therefore, C&D waste management helps to improve the city environment by reducing the air and water pollution and reduce the waste going to landfill.
· To ensure legal compliance
C&D Waste Management Rules 2016 is the overarching regulation for C&D waste in India that mandate specific responsibilities for the involved stakeholders including urban local bodies, waste generators, service providers and their contractors, State Pollution Control Board etc. Therefore, strengthening C&D waste management system by the ULBs helps them to achieve legal compliance.
· To improve the SS score
C&D waste management has been given considerable weightage under Swachh Survekshan 2023 with its share being 12% under certification (GFC star rating) and 2.65% under SLP. Notably, there are 4 indicators on C&D waste under GFC star rating including C&D waste-collection, C&D waste segregation, C&D waste-processing & recycling and C&D waste- use of materials.
Focus areas of C&D waste management: The focus areas for improving the C&D waste management system include the following.
• 100% C&D waste collection system
• On-site segregation by BWGs
• Reuse and recycling measures for C&D waste
• Scientific disposal of C&D waste
• C&D waste minimization
We shall describe in detail the best practices in respect of these focus areas in our next article.
In case you have any queries or suggestions, please contact Shri Kunal Thakur (+91–9960479785) or send us an email at
Social Lab Environmental Solutions is a waste management consultancy company providing end-to-end consultancy services to the ULBs on solid waste management and plastic waste management. Our core expertise includes capacity building, waste assessment, IEC campaign design & implementation, scheme compliance documentation, GPS collection route designing, and monitoring, and providing technical advisory and market linkages for efficient wet and dry waste management.
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